On Tuesday The seniors went to the Botanical Gardens. Everyone was ready to see the all kinds of plants learn new things. My favourite part of the trip was when we went into the forest. As we got to the entrance of the forest one of the ladies that worked at the Botanical Gardens was there to give us a tour of the garden. Her name was Sarah. We were going to do an activity in the forest. First at the entrance we got told that if we were really quite we could be able to spot a fantail or a kereru. Later on as we were walking we paired up and each got a mirror. The challenge was to try and look up at the different shapes of leaves through the mirror. There was lots of different shapes in the leaves. We stopped again. We each got a magnifying glass. The next challenge was to try and find invertebrates. Lots of people found some and used their magnifying glass to look up close at it. I really liked looking at the invertebrates. We saw and learnt a lot of things at the Botanical Gardens.
Great writing Sebastian. The invertebrates were a bit scary when you saw them through the magnifying glass.
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