
Friday, 28 October 2016


In our Inquiry lesson, we used our researching skills from when we narrowed a search to find our information. Reading the title you can tell I decided to research, "NASCAR." I have made a slideshow that tells you about what NASCAR is and the history of it.

Technology at Tamaki College

This morning we had another session of tech at Tamaki College. My group(one of the year 8 groups) went to art. We were continuing our art designs from the week before. We had a A5 sized paper that we sectioned into 5 blocks that we had to put simple designs/symbols in. We are getting closer to start our carving!

Narrowing a Search

Recently, LS2 have been learning about cyber smart skills. We learnt how to narrow a search by using the correct keywords.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Year 8 Graduation Dance Practice

Today the year eight students went to our first graduation dance practice. Our dance instructor today was Sonja(Son-Ya), she was in replacement for our other dance teacher. In our first lesson we learnt the Cha Cha and the Rock and Roll. We learnt how to do both and then we all of us got the hang of it we put the two dances together and danced with the boy and girls. I had a lot of fun learning the dances and look forward to next week. Thanks to Sonja our substitute teacher who taught us these dances.