
Friday, 21 February 2014

Panmure Bridge Beach Picnic

"Hurry Mum!" I yelled out to my mum. I don't want to be late for the beach picnic. I jumped out of the car and raced to my class. I was so excited to go to the Eastern Beach with the whole school. As I hopped off the bus the wind strongly nearly pushed me over. I sat and watched the year seven and eights in the kayaks with Mr Johnson.

It was time for morning tea so we had to have to have something little to eat. Soon it was Room Seven's turn to play on the sand. Mrs Miller told us to make sea animals made out of sand. I made a big turtle with Tai, Riley and Brandon and Nesi and Victoria made a starfish. Mrs Miller took a picture of our sea animals we made. When the year seven and eights came back from kayaking I played touch with them on the sand.

After that Mr Johnson talked on the speaker saying it was Room Seven's turn to swim in the water. I didn't want swim yet because I wanted to wait for the waves to get bigger. Then it was lunch time and I was starving hungry. I pulled out my chicken sandwich and gobbled it down. Mr Johnson was speaking again saying it was Room Seven Eight and Five's turn to play in the water. Now I was ready to swim in the water because it was windy and the waves were getting bigger. I was playing and swimming around until Mr Johnson said it was time to get out and get changed but I didn't want to get out so when Mr Johnson said Room ix and nine I stayed in the water and kept playing.

It was time for everyone to get out of the water because everyone was packing up to go home. After I got changed the buses arrived. John, Tai, Riley and I got the back seats. It was fun because every time we hit a bump we would go fly to the top of the bus. As we got to school I was exhausted. I had the best day at the beach.


Anonymous said...

Sebastian you have used a great hook at the start to get your readers attention. I also like that you have used a mixture of long and short sentences. It was an exhausting day - but lots of fun.

Tai said...

Hi Sebastian, I like your going to the beach blog it is very long and was it cold when you went in the water? .Did you see cool shell fish.

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