
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Narrative Writing

Valentine's Disaster!?

It was her, she had been on the loose since this morning. Why had she been there, was it the fact she was up last night, drowning her sorrow in her tears and the bottle of wine. Yes, she was that type of person. It was just before dawn as she ditched her car by the side of the road to come to her knees, then on her back as she glanced at the mood of the dreadful sky, Alice was so depressed and broken hearted.

Yesterday, Alice had been wandering round the streets trying to find a somewhere suitable for her and Mark to have their one year anniversary. She had been thinking, “This dinner is going to be the best for me and Mark. I hope tonight will go as planned” It was now going onto twelve o’clock. Assuming Valentine's day is the same day as their anniversary, Alice had already called more than ten restaurants.
“Hello, do you have any tables left for two?”
“We are sorry but our last table had just been booked? We have a table for tomorrow if you would like?” Replied the man.
“No, it’s okay but thank you anyway,” Alice sighed sadly.

Two o’clock. Laying on the couch not knowing what to do. Disaster, disaster, disaster, is what was going through Alice’s head right now. *Ding* She sat up and thought to herself, “We could have a dinner here at home and I could cook for us.” Alice was actually a great cook, but one thing she wasn’t really good with was baking. It was either the instructions which made her confused, or the fact that she never intentionally liked baking.She broke the news to Mark and she was relevied that he actually was fine with the last minute change.”Okay, I be there at eight.” Mark replied as Alice hangs up.

Two hours later… *Strolling down to market.* She did not live far from the supermarket so she decided to walk. Alice was listening to Coldplay as she came to the crossing. It was then that she did not pay enough attention.”Beep!Beep! Get off the road!” Demanded a man from his vehicle with repugnance. Alice was so shocked she almost dropped her phone down a drain. She rotated her body to face the frustrated driver. A car had been on the wrong side of the road driver. It looked like he did not speak English. Alice was pretty off task and not concentrating, so she pulled the music from inside her ears and continued inside the supermarket. She knew what she was getting. Alice did not want to waste time because she needed more time to cook. She raced straight to the meat section. Throwing things into her trolley, she was setting a new world record! She proceeded to the checkout without breaking a sweat.

Seven o’clock. Alice had been in the kitchen since the moment she had arrived home. Luckily she was a great multitasker, because she had been moving faster than she has ever been before. She prepared her most famous and distinctive dish out of all. Unfortunately time was racing faster than she was. It was now half past seven, and everything was all ready but one thing… The table! It wasn’t set and and Mark was about to arrive in half an hour. She wasn’t thinking about the that but what was she going to do! Time was ticking…

“Alice, what are you thinking? You forgot to set the table,” Alice thought to herself. This could be a total meltdown, or she could come up with an amazing idea that could just save the hairs on her neck. So what did she do, yes she tried to adapt and look around the room for something to use.”KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!” Could that be? Was Mark here early? If so, Alice, was, doomed! “Um, Who is it?
“It’s Janet,” a highly voice squeaked.
“Your next door neighbor.”
“Um Okay, just a sec.”
Janet was a great friend of Alice, they were about the same age. She was very awkward at most times and sometimes says things that are off topic.
“Hey what's up?”
“I just came to give your frying pan back that I had since last week. Thanks by the way”
“Oh, also what are you and Mark doing for Valentines, is it going to be romantic?” Jokes Janet.
Alice was embarrassed to admit.
“Umm, you know just a dinner at home,” Alice replies softly.
“Ohhh, Classic! So, is there anything I could do to help?” This was Alice’s opportunity to ask about the table.
“Actually, Would you mind helping me with setting the table please?”
“Yeah sure anything, I will make it the most beautiful and elegant setting ever!”

Now about 20 minutes later, Alice had been in the kitchen ever since, as you step in the room the air was thick with the sense of delicious, mouth watering food. Then as  Alice was about to come to finishing the dishes, Janet had set up a romantic table which was filled with love the moment you reach the entrance.  Alice was so focused, so concentrated, that she forgot the most important part! “My dress!” She belted off to the bedroom to find the dress she had bought yesterday for the dinner. Racing to put on the makeup with the help of Janet, she was thinking about what would Mark think of when he arrives. All she wanted was for things to go well…”Ding Dong!”

This term we have been learning to write narratives. We used the picture prompt below to help us imagine how this situation came about. We tried to hook our audience in by thinking about the pace of events and the pictures we painted with words. After editing my story I have had mistakes with my tense and and wrong wording in my sentences. Next time I could work on keeping the pace of the story and making it flow throughout the whole narrative.


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